The basics of publicity rules
If you are receiving support from COMPETE 2030, we have put together a set of rules and procedures to help you with the mandatory publicity.

Communicating projects financed by European funds is both a duty and an opportunity.
In Portugal, thousands of projects are financed every year with the support of European funds. These projects contribute significantly to the country’s socio-economic development and it is essential that society as a whole is aware of the support available and its benefits.
Correctly publicising this support is a duty for all beneficiaries and contributes to transparency, but it is also an opportunity to publicise the success and positive impact of your project and European cohesion policy.
Clear and effective communication of projects is crucial to:
- Demonstrating the application of European funds in Portugal, reinforcing transparency and accountability, pillars of the Portugal 2030 programme;
- Informing the general public about the benefits of your project, increasing knowledge and awareness of the positive impact of European funds on society;
- Give projects greater visibility and credibility, attracting the interest of the general public, partners and the media.
Project communication must be clear, accessible and aimed at the target audience. It is important to emphasise the objectives, results and impact of projects, using simple language and concrete examples.
The content of this page does not dispense with consulting European and national legislation, the guidelines issued by CIC Portugal 2030 – Interministerial Coordination Commission (Permanent and Plenary), the body responsible for the technical coordination of Portugal 2030, the Agency for Development and Cohesion, IP and the Managing Authorities of the respective Programmes.
For more information, you can also download the Portugal 2030 Communication Rules Guide.
For related questions or queries, please contact us by email at
Main rules
All operations must:
- Publicise EU support through the COMPETE 2030 logo, the Portugal 2030 logo and the EU emblem in all communication materials. [Use the co-financing bar]
- Describe the operation, including its objectives and results, and emphasise the Union’s financial support, on the beneficiary’s website and social media. [Use and share the operation sheet]
- Display, in a place clearly visible to the public, at least one poster of at least A3 format or equivalent electronic display, with information about the operation highlighting the support from European funds. [Use posters, signs and billboards or electronic screens]
Operations with a total cost of more than €100,000, supported by the ESF+, must comply with the previous provisions and also:
- Put up a sign or billboard, clearly visible to the public, displaying the emblem of the European Union, as soon as the physical implementation of operations has begun.
Operations with a total financed cost of more than €500,000 must comply with the above provisions and also:
- Make a video, lasting no less than one minute, to present the operation, its objectives and results, assigning copyright to the funding organisations.
Operations with a total cost (sum of eligible and ineligible expenditure) of more than €10.000.000 or considered to be Operations of Strategic Importance must comply with the above provisions and also:
- Organise an event or communication activity involving the European Commission and COMPETE 2030.
Graphic elements
Co-financing bar
The various communication materials for the supported operation must include the co-financing bar, which brings together the logos and emblem of the European Union to indicate that an operation is co-financed by European funds.
If the operation is supported by more than one programme, the co-financing bar must include the logos of the various funding programmes, plus the Portugal 2030 logo and the European Union emblem. The logo of the programme funding the operation with the highest value must be first on the left, followed by the others in order of the value funded. The Portugal 2030 logo should follow, and the EU emblem should always be placed to the right of all the other logos. No logo should exceed the height of the EU emblem.
This bar must be present in its various channels and media:
Website | Social media | Digital applications | Documents | Diplomas and certificates | Advertising | Videos | Radio spots | Uniforms and personal protective equipment | Transport | Promotional gifts | Posters, signs, billboards or electronic displays on buildings or equipment.
| Download the general co-financing bar here |
The poster or sign, or even the definitive plaque, as the case may be, must be displayed as soon as work on the operation begins and must remain in place for the duration of the operation, as well as for the lifetime of the constructions, buildings and equipment. Whenever necessary, due to damage or the need to update information, the materials must be replaced, guaranteeing visibility and readability for the public.
| Download here the template for horizontal panel, vertical panel, horizontal poster, vertical posteraqui o template para painel horizontal panel, vertical panel, horizontal poster, vertical poster |

Permanent plaque
We offer a permanent plaque template.
| Download the permanent plaque template here |
Operation sheet
To make it easier for you to describe the operation, including its objectives and results, and to highlight the Union’s financial support on your website and social networks, we have provided a template for an operation form, which you should fill in with all the information requested.
The template contains a pre-defined structure, with the essential information fields, which can be used on the beneficiary’s website or any other communication media, contributing to a quick and easy assimilation of the impact and contribution of the operation supported by European funds.
This form must be integrated into the beneficiary’s channels from the moment the operation is approved and must be updated whenever there are changes to the approved application. It must be maintained throughout the implementation of the operation and throughout the programming period.
| Download the template for the operation form here |
Inauguration plaque
The funding must be mentioned on the inauguration plaque of the supported operation, whenever this plaque is foreseen. This can be done through the text “Operation co-financed by the European Union through the COMPETE 2030 Programme”, or by applying the co-financing bar. Also remember to mention the support in the opening speech or words of the inauguration event, whenever applicable.
Reporting operations supported by European funds is a duty and an opportunity, but it is also an obligation.
If you don’t comply with the mandatory rules, you could lose up to 3 per cent of the support for the operation in question. Support can be cut in each case, based on the law, the seriousness of the situation and its implications for the image people have of the way European funds are spent in Portugal.
The equation will take into account, for example: the importance and size of the operation; the value of the support; the quantity and importance of the rules that are not being complied with.
It is the managing authority that defines the percentage reduction in support to be made in each case. To this end, a Management Guideline with additional information is being developed and will be made available shortly.
Last update to 9 de October 2024